Ricardo Borges

Ricardo Borges

Personal blog

My 2020 Retrospective

2021 January is almost over and I still haven't look back to 2020 to write about, actually, I never did it before but there were important events for me that happened last year that are worth writing about. So this is a post to keep a record for my future self.

Finally, I have graduated

In 2015 I enrolled in Information System degree program, but the next year I switched to Software Engineering degree program, then 4 years and a half later, I finally graduated, yeah! Due to the pandemic, my last semester was 100% online and the graduation ceremony hasn't happened yet, but I already have my bachelor of Software Engineering degree. Everybody who works full time and studies knows how exhausting this routine can be, so you can imagine that this was by far the most important event for me in 2020.

The perfect setup

Since 2020 March I've been working remotely, therefore to build a great setup seemed inevitable to me, and it's ~~finally done~~ almost done, during this process of choosing a desk, chair, hardware, devices, arrange it, rearrange it ... I realize that always will be something to change, to improve, to fix, it's a neverending process. But the way it is now, it's perfect... for now, I guess.

Free time

After I graduated I had time to do what I was planning a while, I started to write on dev.to, then I created this blog, to keep the content I create in a place where I have more control and to have a sort of backup, I intend to keep writing on dev.to too. My intention is to write, mostly, about what I'm studying.

Also, in 2020 I was able to finish some pending online courses and some games in my Steam library :), yes I bought more games that I could play, and they were pilling up.

7 years in the software industry

Writing this post and thinking about the past I realized that I have worked with a variety of software, on the backend, frontend, mobile, at startup, small companies, large companies, written in Python, PHP, Ruby, or Node.js. All those experiences in just 7 years, 7 years working with the craft that I choose, and is still compelling to me.

I'm looking forward to the next 7 years.

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